
Recently, there have been a number of times, when looking out the window, the birds that are usually fluttering and moving from one spot in the yard to another, have been awfully still. They have been hanging around in one area of the grass or perched on a branch much longer than usual. Then yesterday afternoon, another of our frequent visitors, a rabbit, was not just eating, but was also sprawled out, as if reclining on the grass as it was eating. I had never seen that before and found it rather curious. Then I thought, it must be hurt, but it wasn’t. After watching for a minute or two, I went off to do something else, and when I returned, the rabbit was in its more usual, upright position.

Today, sitting at the kitchen island, it is not long before I become aware of the ticking of the clock or the buzzing of messages received by cell. Even in another spot, not long before there is something else calling attention or looking to be tended to, remembered not forgotten. And while I may perceive these all as I go about my way, sometimes at a quickened pace, sometimes still, others passing through and moving on, it is only when I really stop and take the time to listen, that my heart can open up not only to hear, but also to remember, the Truth beyond the mission.

Earlier this week, I came across the following prayer. A great reminder of all the reasons why—The Reason why. It is by John Henry Cardinal Newman, whose motto was “Cor ad cor loquitur” or “Heart speaks to heart.” It’s about all that matters…

Dear Jesus, help me to spread your fragrance everywhere I go;
Flood my soul with your spirit and life;
Penetrate and possess my whole being so completely
That all my life may be only a radiance of yours;
Shine through me and be so in me
That everyone with whom I come into contact
May feel your presence within me.
Let them look up and see no longer me—but only Jesus.

– Saint John Henry Newman



After a brief wait of silence and darkness, there it was—a buck. It entered into view, sauntered around, and then moved on, disappearing just as it had appeared. I quietly watched, in awe of its tranquil but purposeful movement and noticing its antlers. Perhaps this was the older version of the same buck that passed through a couple of months earlier. If so, my how it had grown in a relatively short period. Beyond its features, especially its antlers that were more pronounced, it seemed more sure-footed and astute in the way it carried itself.

Over the past few months, I have had the opportunity to see the nighttime movement of a number of animals as captured by a family member’s trail camera. It has been both interesting and fascinating to observe the way these creatures move about, crossover, and pass through the yard and woods behind it. They appear uninhibited, but at the same time quiet, reserved, and respectful.

In the hours of the night and into the dawn, the environment not only holds peace, but also gives it. It is one with room for pensive pauses and calming paces. Sometimes, what the darkness of night offers can be encouraging and uplifting, just as much as that of day.

Strength and wisdom come, inner stillness enlightening each night and every day.



A psalm of David.
LORD, who may abide in your tent?
Who may dwell on your holy mountain?

Whoever walks without blame,
doing what is right,
speaking truth from the heart;

Who does not slander with his tongue,
does no harm to a friend,
never defames a neighbor;
Who disdains the wicked,
but honors those who fear the LORD;
Who keeps an oath despite the cost,
lends no money at interest,
accepts no bribe against the innocent.

Whoever acts like this
shall never be shaken. – Psalm 15

Waiting to Arrive…

Looking out at the thin ice in the quiet stillness of early morning, I think, “How fragile life is.” As I sit and watch, I feel tired… stretched thin. Until this moment, it has been so busy… too busy.

I survey the area. It seems motionless. I think, “The time is now.” Everyone…everything must wait.

While time continues to tick, I linger, allowing more than just a chance to be still and listen. With each minute that passes, I feel a calm and steady strength growing from deep within. How resilient Life is.


My eyes are ever upon the LORD, who frees my feet from the snare. – Psalm 25:15