As It Always Does…

The trees, becoming more life like
As they continue to grow deeper
Into their shades of spring,
Fill the air with hope,
And instill a sense of trust.
Not a sign of exactly what’s to come,
But still a sign that’s telling.
The sun will rise,
As it always does.
The sun will set,
As it always does.
Everything else?
All that lies between?
That will come and go,
As it always does.
Leaving behind the hope of days to come,
And the soul keeping faith,
Despite not knowing,
As it always does.

Jesus said to his disciples: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me.” (Jn 14:1).

On Balance…

Tomorrow, March 20, 2022, is the vernal equinox, giving those of us in the Northern Hemisphere an even split between day and night and marking the beginning of spring. It’s not often we experience such balance in a day. In fact, it only happens twice a year on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, and given the pace of life, the light of these days likely slips by without much notice.

The thing that’s interesting though, is as with many happenings in the natural world around us, there’s a message or lesson they hold. The vernal equinox can serve as a concrete example to not only bring equity and balance to heart and mind, but also perhaps to provide an experience we can all relate to, no matter where we are, and in doing so, on some level, restore a sense of harmony.

Take some time to absorb what is often the background as we go about each day—nature. Bring it to the forefront. Next, as you look around, consider your life. Where do you find balance and harmony? In what ways do you experience the Lord as kind and merciful in the hours of both the day and night? How are you inspired?

Bless the Lord, my soul;
all my being, bless his holy name!
Bless the Lord, my soul;
and do not forget all his gifts,
Who pardons all your sins,
and heals all your ills,
Who redeems your life from the pit,
and crowns you with mercy and compassion,
Who fills your days with good things,
so your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
The Lord does righteous deeds,
brings justice to all the oppressed.
He made known his ways to Moses,
to the Israelites his deeds.
Merciful and gracious is the Lord,
slow to anger, abounding in mercy.
He will not always accuse,
and nurses no lasting anger;
He has not dealt with us as our sins merit,
nor requited us as our wrongs deserve. – Psalm 103: 1-10

In a Few Words…

When my daughter was very young, not even a toddler, her and her brother used to take great interest in a toy with one button in particular that resulted in a catchy tune with the voice of a woman singing “Hello” in a few different languages. I can still hear the tune and the words being sung… “Hello!”… “Hola!” … “Bon Jour!” … “Kon’nichiwa!” I can still see the joy on my children’s faces as they listened to the song, taking in the words. I also recall the joy in my heart as I witnessed their joy.

It seems that each year at Easter I think of that toy. I also think about how a few years removed from it, the children seemed to take on the same kind of fascination, but this time, brought about by a pause in music on a CD that we had. During the pause, there were three booming knocks, three times, followed by a spoken Easter greeting and response in various languages from across the globe. “Christ is risen!/Truly He is risen!,” “Christos Anesti!/Alithos Anesti!,” “Al Maseeh Qam!/Haqan Qam!,” “Khristos Voskrese/Vo Istenu Voskrese,” … “Krishti U Ngjall!/Vertet U Ngjall!,”… “Kristos Tensiu!/Behake Tensiu!,” … and “Gaydolk Folkwoot Leew!/Ta Koksut Folkwoot Leew!”

Since then, each year, we have listened to this part of the CD, captivated by the pause, the booming knocks on the church doors (symbolizing the tomb being opened by the risen Christ) and the greetings that follow. Each year we are reminded, in a very special way, of the depth and breadth of God’s love for us, and all our sisters and brothers…for all humanity and all creation.

May the promise of new life that comes with spring bring the joy, hope, and peace of Easter to all.
