Something About the Way…

Traveling through time,
Year after year, tick upon tock,
Broken down into moments,
One leading into the next,
Some greener than the others,
But all steady in their passing.
Once gone, they are away,
As if lost, forever missing.
Yet, amid the shades of darkness,
Light lives, cradled deep within,
Both ready and most willing,
Shining ever, and for all.
Walking with great care,
Thoughtful hearts take notice,
Finding Whom they seek,
Steady in their passing.

“We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage.” – Matthew 2:2

Hope is a prayer…

In saying goodbye to 2020, it can be all too easy to envision the year packed away, stuffed in a trunk or case with the words “CAUTION! DO NOT OPEN!” stamped in bold, red print across the top and sides. Yet, like all the years before it, 2020, along with any wisdom it contained, is added to the steps along the way. Now, and always, it is part of who we are and who we will become.   

Entering into the year 2021, the journey continues. Like years gone by, it is step by step into all that is known and, at the same time, into all that is unknown. This New Year begins with a solemn tone. There is sadness over the depth of loss, vast… across many areas, and experienced by so many around the world. There is gratitude for blessings… Love expressed by thoughtful, caring words and actions of so many hearts around the world. Then, there is hope, summoning its all, rising up from the memories it strings together, and bringing unity as it strengthens and fortifies the soul for all that lies ahead.  

May this New Year be anchored, like no other, in the hope that is God,
and may each and every soul join together and live as they truly are… beloved.

We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage. – Mt 2:2

On Deck…

In a time and place where focus can often be drawn toward what’s next or what’s on deck, there stands Epiphany, ever calling one back, gently, to pause in the Light.

Seeing that careful observation was part of their daily practice, those who were called wise, not only saw the sign, but were also aware of its significance and moved by it into action.

We saw his star at its rising and have come to do him homage. – Matthew 2:2

According to Scripture, the magi came from the east and journeyed over the course of days and nights, and then some more days and nights, not knowing the exact destination. Yet, they remained faithful, eventually reaching the place to which they were guided.


What about those from the west? And those already there? Did they also see the star from its rising? What signs did they see or hear? Were they too closed, or too quick to assume that what they were waiting and looking for, could not possibly be in their midst already?

What, if anything, did they recognize?

See, darkness covers the earth,
and thick clouds cover the peoples;
but upon you the LORD shines,
and over you appears his glory. – Isaiah 60:2
