Ready, Set, Lent…

The mark is made,
The season begins,
From one to forty,
Days, one at a time,
As if turning pages
We make our way,
From start to end,
Through these Lenten days.

Giving up, giving in, letting go,
Yet not one thing for another,
As if a game of swapping.
No. Not at all.
Some thing, or things, for One.
The point remains on focus,
In the here and now,
Not here and there
Or scattered about,
But brought together.

Body and soul,
Front and center,
Sorted out or broken down,
But always built back up,
From one desire to another,
According to Thine will,
Heart and mind become one,
Drawn closer, e’er closer,
To the image of One.

A clean heart create for me, O God, and a steadfast spirit renew within me. – Psalm 51:12