The Essence of Holidays and More…

Into the night and all day too,
The glow of lights sprinkled here and there,
but really, almost everywhere.
This peace, this joy, ever present,
Sometimes noticed more than others,
Sometimes not at all,
Nevertheless, a presence always there.
The heart, holding all together,
Ups and downs, yeas and nays,
Judgments, and lessons learned.
Steady in the flow of life,
Brave but never brazen.
Standard bearer, but more,
Usher of truth and light.
There through it all,
From year to year,
And age to age.

Holy Spirit, help us turn the page,
As the bells ring,
And a new year begins,
Renew our listening,
Renew our resolve.
Show us love,
Show us kindness.
Bring us peace,
Bring us newness.
Help us to work with Grace,
To change what we need to change,
And to carry hope, wherever we go.
Help us, bit by bit, to turn our world around.

May God be gracious to us and bless us; may God’s face shine upon us. – Psalm 67:2