Getting There…

Among memories of summers past, some of the hotter days rise to the surface. I remember moments, as a child, of hopping from one foot to the other, ooh-ing and ah-ing, while traversing the cement deck or driveway barefoot in route to the cooler green grass on the other side. Along the same lines, there was the trek from the parking lot at the beach, to the water. Whether we entered near a ramp or the stairs leading down to the beach, there was always a tricky section, of varying width and riddled with stones of various sizes or dry shifting sand, to cross before reaching the sand that was flat and smooth and then the water that was cool, and sometimes exhilarating, while at others more serene.

As I think back on these times, equally vivid are the pain and the payoff. There was no way to get from one side to the other without experiencing some level of being uncomfortable and some portion of less or much less than ideal. Yet, the promise of arriving on the other side, the hope of what it held, the lessons learned, and the experience waiting over there, made the effort worthwhile and far outweighed the negatives. It always does.

I do not pray for success, I ask for faithfulness. – St. Teresa of Calcutta

If today you hear God’s voice, harden not your hearts. – Psalm 95