Light that Works Wonders…

Throughout the ages people in various cultures around the world have discovered and used what is found in nature as remedies for one ailment or another. A star among these natural medicinal resources is the sun. The light provided by the sun has been known to disinfect, heal wounds, straighten curved bones, lift moods, and more, in addition to aiding our sight as we make our way throughout each day.

At the opposite end of the day, there is the moon and stars, which also provide light and a sense of direction throughout the night. When combined, the light from the sun, the moon, and the stars, radiant and powerful as they may be, are but a portion of the light of God.

No longer shall the sun
be your light by day,
Nor shall the brightness of the moon
give you light by night;
Rather, the Lord will be your light forever,
your God will be your glory. – Isaiah 60:19

In creation, the Source is always greater than the sum of its parts. That is what faith is all about. It is trusting that God, and the grace of God, is ever present. It is believing despite not having all the answers. It is embracing each moment, making the sacrifice, taking the risk, seeking what is just, and living from the heart that knows, anything is possible through God.

If the sun and various other natural elements in creation can be the cause of an abundance of healing, then how much more magnificent, that which can occur through the hands of our Creator.

In all situations, in every place, and at all times, seek the Light, soak it in, and through the grace of God, take courage, transform, and be the Light.
