Egg Salad…

A few weeks ago, as I was helping to set up bowls with vinegar, water, and dye tablets to color some hard boiled eggs, my daughter and son were discussing decorating ideas and opinions. Every year since they were around preschool age, they have helped with decorating Easter eggs. They started out just scribbling with crayons or putting stickers on eggs that had already been dyed, but over time they moved toward dying the eggs as well.

Over the years, it has been interesting to watch how each of them approach and go about dying and decorating, and the interactions that occur in the process. And while they have access to all the same tools and resources on the table, when completed, although we still have the same dozen of eggs that we started with, each egg has come to life in a different way.

Earlier today, as I opened a carton of eggs, I recalled the colorful eggs of Easter. It called to mind how engaged my son and daughter are, as are most people, when they can express themselves and participate in a way that is meaningful to them while remaining true to the heart of their beliefs, values, and traditions.

Perhaps that is what was so appealing to so many people in the early Church. There were twelve Apostles. They were not identical. They were not clones, nor were they trying to be. They had distinct personalities, gifts, talents, strengths, and weaknesses. They had disagreements, but when they remained focused on Jesus’ life and example, fixed on striving to be faithful to the will of God, and open to each other through the guidance of the Holy Spirit (in whatever direction it took them whether known or new), the Church evolved, there was room for all, and through the grace of God, the numbers grew exponentially.

In the end, we are all part of the same recipe… the same plan. It is time for our differences, to once again, through our shared belief, become our greatest strength.