Trust and You Will See…

Yes! I can see it! Something new!

Noticing the flowers that were in full bloom among those that were just breaking out of the bud, and alongside those that were still tightly wound, enclosed in leaves of green, it was easy to take in the beauty of what was there and find joy in the anticipation of what seemed sure to be… more flowers.

When my children were much younger they had a few classroom activities throughout their preschool and early elementary school years that highlighted the cycle of life for plants and animals. I remember both their interest and their awe at each new stage or milestone. I also recall their lack of interest during the times of “stagnancy”… when it seemed nothing was happening.

One year there was the small clay pot filled with soil that eventually sprouted a stalk and green beans. For what seemed like an eternity to my children—two weeks—the pot of soil seemed the same, day after day. However, with care and proper attention, beneath the surface, buried in the soil, the seed was changing and growing the whole time. Then one day, the stalk was there. It seemed like it came out of nowhere.

It is so much easier to trust that something worthwhile lies ahead, is coming into existence, or is already happening when one can see or sense even the tiniest of signs. This is no secret. Not only do we know it, but so does God.

Seek signs, but first ask God for them.

I sought the LORD, and he answered me,
delivered me from all my fears. – Psalm 34:5
