A Tale, Tried and True…

Recently I attended a local theatre production of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. Near the beginning of this Classic story, the ghost of Jacob Marley visits his friend and business partner in his earthly life, Ebenezer Scrooge. He carries with him, wrapped around him and weighing him down, chains. As Jacob is explaining to Ebenezer the reason for his bondage… how each link in the chain was the result of the choices he had made throughout his life, Ebenezer refutes what his friend is trying to tell him and begins speaking of Jacob’s great business sense and financial success. To this, Jacob replies,

“Mankind was my business. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, benevolence, were all my business. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the comprehensive ocean of my business!”

In essence, to be at our best, to be truly successful, is to be human and to act humane, as one faces the circumstances that life presents. While this can be more than just a little hard at times, especially when there is so much beyond our control, it is what we were created for… we were built for the greater good. That is the Christmas Spirit. The same Spirit we witness when people pull together, reach out and connect to one another in the face of tragedy or disaster or in the course of the every day.

Everything we need to resist and overcome evil, all that is good, the Spirit, resides within each of us, all the time. The choice is whether to uncover, seek and embrace it, to become one with it, allowing it to be palpable and visible to others. The task is to open, and to keep opening ourselves to it, each, and every day, trusting that we are not alone in this effort. Trusting… believing that in each moment, the grace of God is waiting to set us free and to help us rise up to all that we can be.

Jacob Marley visited Ebenezer Scrooge to testify to the Light so that his friend might believe, and in and through believing be changed for the better. We can do all that too.
